
Since being elected as Legislator for District 2 in Cortland County, I have been actively involved in addressing numerous issues facing our community. I have headed up the Buildings and Grounds committee, joined the board of the Cornell Cooperation Extension of Cortland County, served on the Southern Tier 8 Regional Planning Board, participated on the Mayor's Advisory Task Force for Parker School, and much more. My focus during this time has been to help ensure we move Cortland forward through economic development, environmental conservation, and social justice reform.

As Chairman of the Buildings and Grounds Committee, I have helped lead our committee through many important issues. We have handled the jail roof leak and the issues which it has caused our jail facility. We have started a long-term plan for all buildings under our management. Our focus on this committee is to provide safe, healthy and environmentally conscious facilities for all our employees and our public visitors. We take our role as stewards of these public buildings and grounds very seriously.

I am proud of my voting record as a member of the Legislature and would invite you to check this out for yourself at: http://cortlandcountyny.iqm2.com/Citizens/Board-Member/1230-Beau-Harbin#votes

Watch these various public recorded forums where Beau spoke about his vision for the district:

Forum organized by the NY League of Conservation Voters Education Fund that was held 28 May 2020:


Tompkins County Democratic Committee Candidate Forums:

9 June 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esqsUmQckvU

27 May 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gy7b0vXQrIw

14 April 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVXbWcQQCaA

Interview on WXHC X101 FM on 15 June 2020:


Interview on WHCU 97.7 FM on 10 June 2020:


Interviews on WRFI Community radio:

2 June 2020: https://www.wrfi.org/2020/06/02/cortland-county-legislator-beau-harbin-returns-to-discuss-his-campaign-for-new-york-assembly-audio/

19 February 2020: https://www.wrfi.org/2020/02/19/beau-harbin-of-cortland-discusses-his-candidacy-for-ny-assembly-125th-district-audio/

Town of Groton Democratic Committee Candidate meeting (pre-COVID) on 8 March 2020
